A glimpse into my life and duties as the reigning Miss Black USA.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just Thinking: Written Nov. 28, 2007

Being able to encourage people is such a blessing. Knowing people who are easily encouraged is even better. :) Unfortunately, nothing in the world that anyone can ever say can change the way one feels about himself or herself. If a person feels bad about or dislikes himself, no one but God can turn that around. Self worth is something that you can only gain from learning about how much God loves you and how truly unique and special you are.

We were all put here for a purpose ordained by God far before we were ever conceived. We are beautiful, and we are all miracles! Can you imagine a love so strong? That’s amazing to me! Just think of all the things in your life that you have yet to accomplish and all the dreams that you have yet to realize. You are in for a special treat! Sometimes I am brought to tears by the overwhelming happiness I get from thinking of the successes and meaningful relationships that I know God will provide. Wow!! How did we get so lucky (the more appropriate word would be “blessed”)? I can’t answer that, but I thank God for all that He is and all He continues to do in my life EVERY night.

This was just something on my heart that I felt I needed to share for anyone needing any encouragement. I have to go back and re-read old encouraging messages sometimes because I need it every now and then too! :) We all have times of disappointment and doubt. Thank God we can be delivered from these feelings! We grow from each experience we live through.

I feel you.

God Bless,


Anonymous said...


It is wonderful to see all that you have accomplished-- as a woman with diabetes! I also have Type 1 diabetes- diagnosed at the age of 15. As women, we have such powerful voices and powerful spirits! In an effort to display this and help other women with diabetes, I have started a website called DiabetesSisters.com. I hope it will be a source of motivation and encouragement for women with diabetes around the world. Would love for you to visit when you get a chance!

Brandy Barnes

Anonymous said...


We got to meet you vicariously when talking with Dr. Claudia Thomas last week (we're her book publishers).

What an inspiration you are! Check out what she wrote and said about you on her blog.

Yvonne and Tom